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Palm Coast Coworking

Free Coworking

New Trend: "Coworking." One Palm Coast company offers free coworking for freelancers, tech and creative folks.

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Construction Jobs

No Further Job Losses?

According to recent job numbers, Palm Coast is one of the two northeast Florida cities with no construction job losses this year.

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Growth in Flagler

Flagler's Growth

CNNmoney says Flagler County still in the number 4 spot in the list of Top 10 Fastest Growing Counties in the US.

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Generations and Tech

Tech: Young and Old

What generational barriers have you encountered when it comes to technology and how do you overcome them?.

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The Real Estate 'For Sale' Sign Just Got Better With QR Codes

  • Thursday, December 9, 2010
  • by
  • Ky Ekinci
  • The 'For Sale' sign on the lawn of a property is still alive and well and continues to serve a purpose . . . letting others know the property is for sale.  In fact, buyers still continue to find properties of interest by these signs and continue to take drives to look for them in an area of interest.  But the sign has always had a huge barrier that has bothered my wife, Kathleen, and I . . . the lack of information.  You basically get three bits of information from the sign:
    1. That the property is for sale
    2. The company and agent the property is listed with
    3. A phone number to call

    So if the buyer does want to know more about the property they can either call the number on the sign or jot down the property address and look it up when they get home.  The buyer has really never been able to get any more information immediately other than maybe 'clunky' text message or 800-number requests . . . until now.

    Realtor, Kathleen West ( just launched scannable signs.  The lawn sign has a scannable QR Code (quick response code) which can be scanned with a smartphone and a scanning app such as Shop Savvy.  Once the code is scanned, the person is directed automatically to a site that contains the property information plus photos, local information such as schools, satellite maps, and more.  If the buyer wishes to schedule a showing or has more questions, simply click the 'Request More Information' button or touch the phone number on the screen to dial.  It's that easy. 
    An example of the rider is below which you can scan the QR code on the screen to see the result at 13 Pinelark Ln in Palm Coast, FL:

    The custom rider was created with help from Palm Coast Signs.  Fernando and his team have always done a wonderful job for us and provide quick turnaround.  

    Palm Coast Construction Jobs Bleak But No Losses Over 2009

  • Wednesday, December 8, 2010
  • by
  • Ky Ekinci

  • Construction employment expanded in 29 states between September and October, while fewer people are working in construction compared to last year in 39 states. The new figures continue a nearly year-long trend of ups and downs in construction employment as the industry performs stimulus-funded work yet grapples with broad market uncertainty.

    Ken Simonson, the chief economist for Associated General Contractors of America says:
    Construction is no longer in free fall, but the industry remains fragile as improvements vary greatly by state and project type.

    Simonson noted 20 states plus the District of Columbia lost construction jobs, while construction employment remained unchanged in Rhode Island.   Minnesota (-2.7 percent, -2,300 jobs) lost the highest percent of construction jobs for the month while Florida lost the most jobs (-2.4 percent, -8,600 jobs).

    Nationally, more cities added construction jobs this year than in 2009, according to the Associated General Contractors of America, indicating “the worst of the industry’s job losses may be over.”

    There are no Florida cities which gained construction jobs over the past year. In Northeast Florida, Ocala and Jacksonville lost jobs — as did most Florida cities — while Gainesville and Palm Coast held steady, not losing any construction jobs over the year.

    City or Area 2009 Jobs* 2010 Jobs* Decline %
    Gainseville 4,700 4,700 0%
    Palm Coast 1,000 1,000 0%
    Jacksonville 31,400 29,800 -5%
    Daytona/Deltona/Ormond 8,600 8,200 -5%
    Ocala 7,300 6,500 -11%

    * Jobs may include Construction, mining, logging

    While the above figures represent the 12-month span from October 2009 through September 2010, construction unemployment rate jumped to 18.8% as industry lost another 5,000 jobs nationally between October and November.

    Construction unemployment rate is highest for any industry, roughly double overall rate as federal projects remain only bright spot for the hard-hit sector...

    source: Associated General Contractors of America & Labor Dept.


    Purple Heart Recipient to lead the Palm Coast Holiday Parade

  • Tuesday, December 7, 2010
  • by
  • Ky Ekinci
  • A courageous hometown hero will ride at the front of the Holiday Starlight Parade as the Grand Marshall on December 11th.

    Sergeant Felix Garcia, who received three Purple Hearts for his bravery during combat operations in Fallujah and Al Karma in Iraq, will bring pride and honor to the Palm Coast community by serving as Grand Marshall for the annual parade event.

    Sgt. Garcia was wounded three times in armed combat from 2003-2004. He also received the prestigious Navy Commendation Medal W/Combat V Device for Valor. Felix is a member of the local Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter #808 and he lives in Palm Coast with his wife and three children.
    " I'm truly humbled by this honor, knowing that I'm representing the fine men and women who have served and continue to serve our nation in combat zones around the world.  I will proudly display my Purple Hearts in deference to these fine individuals.

    The City of Palm Coast's Annual Starlight Parade participants will begin their strut around Central Park in Town Center at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 11th.

    Along with the Grand Marshall, the Mayor and City Council will lead the 80-plus floats and marching bands representing community service and school organizations, clubs and businesses in Palm Coast/Flagler County. Central Park is located just north of Flagler Palm Coast High School at Bulldog Drive.
    Source: City of Palm Coast Press Release


    Online Shopping: Men or Women?

  • Monday, December 6, 2010
  • by
  • Ky Ekinci
  • When it comes to shopping, we automatically think . . . women.  And shopping is serious business for women too.  Us guys seem to always do it wrong.  Then there is the ever-growing online shopping and the question is who does that form of shopping more?  Well studies (do a Google search . . . they're out there) show that men actually shop more online than women and spend more online too.  Ha!  Online shopping is our world!

    So the question becomes why?  I love data and information, but this answer is gonna be 'from the hip' and I think most will agree.  The 'why' is really simple . . . shopping for men is a mission and an event for women.  Us guys go to the store to get the thing (whatever it may be) for a reason.  We have the plan which includes the thing (or things if you give us a list), the place to get the thing (with GPS coordinates punched in), we get there and get out fast!  To lolly-gag around a store looking at different stuff and wait in line is a huge waste of time for us.  Plus, strategically, it's a poor defensive position to be in.  It leaves one open to 'running into someone else' and then having to waste more time actually listening to stuff they are going tell us while we pretend to be interested.  Or if we spend too much time out then we have to justify why when we get home and recall every thing did while out as well as everyone we spoke to and what they said.  It's a nightmare.  In fact, those ring-yourself-up checkouts were not put in stores for overall convenience and payroll savings . . . they were designed for men.  If you look into it far enough you'll find the brainstormer behind that one being a guy.  Thanks, dude whoever you are.

    So why do men like the internet for shopping?  Think about it, but only for about 30 seconds because there are other more important things to do like watch the game:
    1. Information - Guys love information and data . . . stats if you will.  We can turn shopping online into something along the lines of a watching a game.  Products have specifications and stats that we can use to make better decisions and justify our choices.  We can also use all of those charts, graphs, and stats to pretend we're closing some huge business deal when buying that $150 blu-ray player.  We're savvy like that.
    2. Multi-tasking - I can shop, watch the game, get stats on the game, and chat with others all at the same time.  And in my PJ's no less.  Try doing that out in a store (and in your pj's) and you'll find out it doesn't work out so well.  
    3. Efficiency - We are all about efficiency when it comes to shopping.  It's a mission and missions must be executed with extreme efficiency.  Find the target (the product), get the intel on the target, acquire the package, and get out.  It's that simple.  The internet allows us to do that and in a covert manner. 
    4. The use of equipment - If it doesn't involve equipment, it really is pointless to us.  There's a register, but the cashier won't let us touch it (except for the self-checkout, but really not that much fun).  They even have scanners in the store, but again . . . not allowed to use them.  Computers . . . now that's equipment.  Think about the things we buy . . . stuff we get to put together and can use our tools.  In fact, stuff is made so we can put it together.  It doesn't have to be made that way, but it is.  They could easily put certain parts on a product and easily package it, but they are left off so we can use our screwdriver or the ever-coveted allen wrench. 
    Again, for women, shopping is an event.  It is something that is prepped for by getting dressed up, being seen, and socializing while out.  It's competitive too for women.  The competition involves 2 things . . . 1. The number of bags, and 2. The biggest deals on the best stuff.  "Hi Janey.  How have you been?  Oh, all these bags?  I couldn't pass up the great deals I got on these things.  75% off these shoes!  Can you believe it?! Oh, you paid full retail?  You should take them back."  See how it goes?  It's about running into others and socializing.  It's about finding deals while sifting through racks and aisles.  It's about showing off the buys to others.  It's about talking about the whole event.  It's about being waited on.  That's shopping for women.  The internet just doesn't do that.  Sure, women will make a purchase here and there online for some deals and situations but it is not the preferred method of shopping.

    So what do you think? 

      My Christmas Book Suggestions

    1. Saturday, December 4, 2010
    2. by
    3. Ky Ekinci
    4. This is one of my favorite times of year.  Since I was a kid it's always been a time of fun, magic, and possibilities.  There is a great deal of history and wonderful stories that make up what Christmas is today, but they are often over-looked.  Then there are years where life had gotten to be too much and it was tough to get 'in the spirit' of the season.  Some of these books really gave me a real eye-opening experience during those times.  So here's some of my top Christmas book picks:

      The Autobiography of Santa Claus (Click here for the ebook)

      The first time I saw this title, I couldn't help but open it and check it out.  Jeff Guinn blends actual history of the real St. Nicholas and the histories of many Christmas traditions today into a fun-filled adventure.    This is by far my favorite Christmas book and a great read for adults and young readers.

      Stories Behind The Best Loved Christmas Songs (Click here for the ebook)

      So many of the songs we sing during this time of year have amazing stories behind them.  'Silent Night' was originally written as a poem by Father Mohr in the 1800's in Austria.  Just hours before the midnight Mass at St. Nicholas Church, Father Mohr discovered that the organ was broken and would not play.  Repair efforts were futile and he refused to have such an important Mass without beautiful music.  He remembered a poem he wrote and quickly took it to Franz Gruber to put the poem to music for the choir.  'Silent Night' was born as one of the most widely recorded and sung songs of all times.  And that is just one of the many amazing stories behind the music of Christmas in this book.

      The Christmas Sweater (Click here for the ebook)

      Glenn Beck offers this wonderful tale that reminds us of the truly important things at Christmas.  Twelve year old Eddie wants nothing more than a bike for Christmas.  He and his Mother had lost his Father years before leaving his Mother struggling to provide.  But Christmas was important to her and her parents to spend with Eddie.  Eddie's simple gift of a sweater from his Mother was a disappointment and took him down a wildly twisting path challenging him to see the truly important things in life and Christmas.

      Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus

      In 1897 8-year old Virginia O'Hanlon wrote the famous question to the editor of New York's Sun newspaper because her Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so.'".  Francis Church was charged with responding to this very difficult question to answer especially responding to an 8 year old.  The response is timeless and was published this year as a children's picture book that is beautifully illustrated.  Click here to read the original article in New York's Sun Newspaper from 1897.

      'Twas The Night Before Christmas

      Clement C. Moore in 1822 originally wrote the famous poem to entertain his children.  A tradition of writing a Christmas poem each year that he almost forgot.  Submitted by a friend of Moore's to The Troy Sentinel, a local newspaper, the poem was published on December 23, 1823.  It has become perhaps the most popular Christmas poem ever written and the definitive source of many Christmas images today.

      What are your favorite Christmas books?

      Generation Challenges With Tech In Business & Organizations

    5. Friday, December 3, 2010
    6. by
    7. Ky Ekinci

    8. As I get older and get involved with different groups, I began noticing barriers that seemed to be coming up with different generations when approaching various issues or projects. When they were questioning 'why?' I seemed to always be asking 'why not?' Or when direction is given, asking "Why are we doing that?"

      I've found is not always a question that is very welcomed from older generations. The response is usually, "Just do it." None of what I discuss here is meant to be negative either, but there are notable differences in attitudes and approaches from varying generations and many others are noticing this as well. In particular, the 'Baby Boomers' and Generation X'ers. This can often result in 'butting of heads', slow progress, and can cause real missed opportunities for businesses and organizations.

      The Generations
      1. Baby Boomers - This group is comprised of people born primarily between 1946 and 1964. This group grew up in a time of dramatic social change (but slow growth in technological and information innovation) and a time where questioning authority was not always very acceptable.
      2. Generation X - This group is where I fall in, and are primarily those born between 1965 to 1970'ish. We tend to question everything and we like to 'explore' things. We grew up with a great deal of technological advancements and tend to welcome new technologies and change.

      The Issues That Result

      It might not seem like much between the two generations in terms of differing perspectives, but when it comes to advancements you'll often find the the Boomers wanting to stick to 'the way it's always been' and the 'X'ers' proposing 'That doesn't make sense anymore. Why not try this?' This is where the dialogue often just crumbles to the floor and things go no where. If you don't believe me, try proposing the use of FourSquare to promote your business to your boss who is a 'Baby Boomer' and see how that goes over. You'll most likely get the response of "People aren't going to announce where they are at."  Or try suggesting the use of a Facebook Page in addition to your existing Call Center.  The response will most likely be something like, "Well, we have the Call Center and it works just fine."  

      The problem in both scenarios above is that real opportunities to improve and save are being missed.  Both are low-cost opportunities that can provide real payoffs.  Not trying is simply a missed opportunity with little or no risk.  The proverbial "Nothing to lose" scenarios.  Unfortunately, the conversations usually end and nothing happens.

      How To Overcome The Differing Views
      • Be empathetic.  Often times when you 'boil it down', the issue is empathy on both sides.  There is value from both perspectives. "What has always been" can have real weight to it, and just because it's 'traditional' doesn't mean it should be dismissed.  For example, abandoning print advertising that is still generating business and continues to be an investment for online only advertising would be pointless but many insist on this route.  Rather than proposing to 'fix what isn't broken', propose enhancing your ad efforts and adding an online effort that would open new channels and reach a wider customer base. 
      • Propose items in ways people already understand.  Everything that is done through technology is an enhancement to the way in which we have always done things.  Social networking efforts for a business are essentially like setting up a permanent booth in the largest 24/7 'convention center' ever imagined.
      • Get the facts and show the data.  Presenting Facebook Pages, use of FourSquare, Twitter, etc. just because others saw success or 'everyone's doing it' (sound familiar from school days?) will probably get you no where.  Show the value in data, the manner in which it would enhance your efforts, and the revenue opportunities.  Real world tests beforehand and showing the results are definitely worthwhile.
      • Know the barriers that presently exist and present the technology as the solution that it is. 
      • Be willing to compromise and willing to wait.  Some ideas with the use of tech can be so overwhelming that a 'wall' immediately goes up and the idea goes no where in terms of approval.  It doesn't mean it's 'dead'.  The solutions that the tech provides to the barriers that exist will continue which means as those barriers surface later it will provide an opportunity to revisit your original idea.
      What generation barriers have you encountered and how do you overcome them?

      by Brad West: Originally from Southern NJ and Central PA, Brad moved to Palm Coast in 2004 with his family. He has over 15 years of retail management and is currently a manager with Barnes & Noble in St. Augustine. He also assists his wife Kathleen (Realtor with Trademark Realty Group of PC) with her Real Estate business performing a variety of duties such as website design and maintenance for, as well as marketing and advertising, and operations.   You can find Brad on twitter: @bwest2

      Behind-the-scenes at The Pirate Museum

    9. Tuesday, November 30, 2010
    10. by
    11. Ky Ekinci
    12. It’s 10 p.m. on a Thursday night and I’m down on my knees scraping errant splashes of paint from wooden floors.

      On the model ship’s deck, our director of sales and marketing is working the dry vac, sucking up scattered sawdust with an intensity that screams Virgo.

      “I have. To get. It All. Up,” Cindy pants.

      Out back in Shipwreck Island, I spot museum founder and head honcho Pat Croce sweeping up dust from the exhibit’s tabby-like floors. For this is how Pat is: A hands-on man; titles don’t matter when you’re working as a team.

      In fewer than 19 hours, city officials will descend on the St. Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum for its soft launch—and we’ll be ready.

      For the past seven months, I’ve had the privilege of working with Pat and our burgeoning super team of museum, construction, creative and business experts to bring The Pirate Museum to life.

      We shut the doors of Pirate Soul Museum in Key West—opened by Pat in 2005 to share his extensive collection of authentic pirate artifacts—in August and made for St. Augustine.

      A year ago, I knew more about state government and Flagler County as a reporter than I knew about pirates, and public relations was an unlikely home. But Pat’s passion for pirates is viral.

      And here I am on a Thursday night on my knees, scraping errant splashes of paint from wooden floors—and loving every moment of it.

      The task of breaking down a museum in one city and moving it to new digs 800 miles north is not easy. From artifact shipping and storage and new exhibit design to local permits, rebranded promotional materials and temperamental creatives, it’s definitely a logistical challenge; one that we were charged by Pat to pull off in less than a year.

      Bring it.

      In the past several weeks as we’ve picked up speed, it’s been inspiring and gratifying to see the final pieces begin to fall into place, to see teammates clink glasses after heated words, to finally get a very real picture of what we’ve all been working toward: The most emotionally immersive, interactive and authentic pirate experience in the world, right here in St. Augustine.

      In a very real sense, we now all share Pat’s passion for pirates and excellence and it will be an exciting moment when we’re able to in turn share it with you all.

      I invite you to visit us at the St. Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum next month and beyond to unleash your pirate soul. With hundreds of centuries-old artifacts, rarely-seen state shipwreck treasures, and dozens of interactives, it will blow you out of the water.

      I promise.

      Kari Cobham is a former staff writer at The Daytona Beach News-Journal. She now does public relations for Pat Croce & Co. projects. She's working on her first novel and doesn't watch CSI as often as she used to. Writing in third person is awkward and fun.

      Photo Credit: Florida Times-Union

      How did the Palm Coast Seafood Festival fare?

    13. Sunday, November 21, 2010
    14. by
    15. Ky Ekinci
    16. When Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon mentioned the plans in late July for a Palm Coast Seafood Festival scheduled in November; Palm Coast and Flagler County residents mostly reacted positively:
      "Palm Coast Seafood Festival sounds like an OUTSTANDING idea!"

      "LOVE Seafood. Seems like another great event for our community."

      "I am all for good seafood. And love this idea."

      "Did someone say seafood? I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

      "Love the idea of a November Seafood Festival here!  Most are during the hot summer months and it is too hot to have an appetite to eat or walk around looking at the sites.  Kids activities? That's easy. The last Seafood Festival we went too was in Palatka, and they had rides and bounce houses for kids. I'm happy to see the county trying to hold events."

      "I love the idea of a seafood festival also. I think its something that people dont get around here."
       ...though some weren't as enthusiastic:
      "Not good for Palm Coast! We're not a seaside town and there are plenty of other seafood festivals that are very good close by each year that we won't be able to compete with." 

      "Oh, it best not be the same time as the Chowder Debate in St. Augustine."

      "Why? What qualifies us to have one when we can't even buy good seafood in Palm Coast."
      In the late July announcement Landon mentioned that the festival was just one of several special events as ways for the city to attract more visitors and help local businesses.

      Mayor Jon Netts was immediately on board with the idea, asking "If you sell spaghetti, what is the best thing government can do for you? Get you customers."

      But not every member of the council was convinced of the merits of the idea.  "I hate to see the city go into business," said Councilman Bill Lewis. "I would like to see our expenditures reduced down maybe to a minimum."

      Inaugural Palm Coast Seafood Festival came to life during the span of a weekend, on November 6 and 7, 2010, and visited by thousands of people.  But how did the first annual Palm Coast Seafood Festival fair?

      Here are some thoughts and reflections:
      On the positive side:
      • City pulled off the event successfully in a really short time from concept to materialization. 
      • Additional sponsors such as WNZF radio station came on board (helping to spread the word).
      • There were diverse activities from a Frisbee-dog-show, to rock-climbing, to children's fair grounds, music and entertainment, to hermit-crab races.
      • Weather was on the cool side but nice and sunny.
      • The venue, City Park (aka Central Park) in Town Center is a pretty setting.
      • There were decent participation from food vendors.

      On the negative side:

      • There was a $3 entry fee that cause some complaints. 
      • There was not enough seafood vendors.
      • There was no presence by local Seafood restaurants (i.e. Flagler Fish Market, JT's, Blue, Fisherman's Net did not attend).
      • People were complaining about the food prices.
      • The venue (City Park) is very pretty, but not compact enough to have a true Seafood Festival feeling. 
      • Whether intentional or by oversight, the Palm Coast Seafood Festival overlapped two other events: The 11th Annual Tommy Tant Memorial Surf Classic, as well as the another Seafood Festival in Palm Coast's northern neighbor, Great Chowder Debate in Saint Augustine.
      If you missed the event, here's is a video of the sights and sounds from the First Annual Palm Coast Seafood Festival:

      If you attended it, what are your thoughts?

      References and Resources:
      Daytona Beach News Journal, Palm Coast Facebook Page, Flagler Online, FlaglerChat


      St. Augustine 17th Annual Nights of Lights

    17. Friday, November 19, 2010
    18. by
    19. Ky Ekinci

    20. The 17th annual St. Augustine Nights of Lights will begin on Saturday, November 20.  Be there at 6:30 PM to witness the illumination of the nation's oldest city’s historic district with the glow of more than two million tiny, white lights.

      St. Augustine was named last year by AAA as one of the 12 best places in the United States and Canada to experience holiday cheer. 

      A dazzling array of special events and activities await visitors. Nighttime tours of ancient buildings and inns led by storytellers in period clothing, rollicking train and trolley tours through the narrow brick streets, art walks featuring more than 30 galleries serving free holiday refreshments on the First Friday in December and January, special Saturday night antique shopping events, a dazzling regatta, Florida ice skating, luminaries in the town plaza, holiday concerts, and even a Christmas parade, are among the special events to be added to the memory books of visitors and residents alike.

      Enjoy the video below for a taste of this wonderful Holiday Event, which runs nightly from November 20th through January 31st, 2010. 

      For a complete list and schedule of events visit the calendar published by the St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra, & The Beaches Visitors and Convention Bureau. 


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